Fees and transactions costs Corporate

Account management fees 

  • Account opening and Compliance procedure - Free of charge
  • Opening of foreign currency accounts - Free of charge
  • Account keeping Services (VAT: 0%), Accession package - 350,- EUR/month


Other account-related fees 

  • Account closure fees, at the request of the client  - 100 EUR
  • Account closure fees, at the request of the bank - in the limit of 350 EUR
  • Interest rate

Statement fee frequency (VAT: 0%): quarterly
The interest rate depends on the account’s currency of denomination which is associated with a benchmark rate: 

Accounts in Interest rate for interest expenses
EUR, USD, CHF, GBP, DKK, SEKBenchmark rate + 6.00 %

Credit interest : None

Flat-rate closing interest calculation costs: 5,- EUR
if total amount of interest income or expenses < 6,- EUR: no account invoicing or statement

  • Bank statement - Postal fees
  • Certification services / Account balance certification : 65,- EUR (with tax)
  • Hold on funds certificate - VAT: 17% - 87,75 EUR (with tax)

Scope: creation of a company, capital increase

  • Amendment to bank account signing regime (VAT: 0%) - 40,- EUR
  • Request for Companies and Trade Registry - VAT: 17% - 21,06 EUR (with tax)

Transfers (VAT: 0%)

  • SEPA transfer
 Standard Price (VAT included)
Electronic payments (webbanking)2.- EUR
Manual payments (fax or mail)10.- EUR


  • Other issued transfer
 Standard Price (VAT included) incremental
Electronic payments (webbanking)

1.5‰ - under EUR 12.500,-
1 ‰ - from EUR 12.500,- to EUR 25.000,-
0.5‰ - from EUR 25,000.- to EUR 250,000.-
0.25 ‰ - above EUR 250.000,-
min : 3.70- EUR
max : 250.- EUR

Manual payments (fax or mail)

1.5‰ - under EUR 12.500,-
1 ‰ - from EUR 12.500,- to EUR 25.000,-
0.5‰ - from EUR 25,000.- to EUR 250,000.-
0.25 ‰ - above EUR 250.000,-
min : 10- EUR
max : 250.- EUR


Breakdown of fees: default option = Share
Where applicable, fees charged by the beneficiary bank and the correspondent bank = 100 EUR.

Debit transaction date: execution date

  • Received transfers, current account - Free of charge
  • Additional fees

- Urgent transactions  /priority SWIFT :
Depending on kind of payment : up to 250 EUR
- Other services (correcting bank details, etc.)
20,- EUR
- Return of funds
20,- EUR
- Additional information
20,- EUR
- Setting up standing orders
20,- EUR
- SWIFT confirmation
20,- EUR

  • Cheque transactions

- Cheques crediting an account :
Standard international :
2 ‰
Min : 20,- EUR
Max : 70,- EUR
+ fees of 5,- EUR 
- Cheques debiting an account :
12.50,- EUR + transfer fees

Foreign Exchange Transaction

Foreign transactions are applicable for a large range of currencies

  • Hedging : Subject to credit approval
  • Ability to open several foreign currency accounts 

Cash Deposit

Ability to set up deposit in many currencies (USD, GBP, …) – condition upon request

Deposits are 100 % money market investment for which the counterpart risk is SGBT.


To be provided separated to this Pricing Offer.

Derivative Product

Fees on derivative products are available in this specific appendix.